GPSC AE exam, also known as the Gujarat Public Service Commission Assistant Engineering exam, is a compulsory exam for those who want to become an assistant engineers and get recruited by the Gujarat state. Preparation for GPSC AE is a must, and one must find suitable study materials to understand the syllabus thoroughly. But while preparing and studying for this exam, one should also consider solving the previous year’s GPSC AE paper. Not that it’s compulsory to solve the previous year’s paper, but using the previous years’ papers will give you an idea about the types of questions asked in the GPSC AE exam.
Revision is compulsory because that will help you understand whether you have understood and worked on all the topics covered in the GPSC AE exam, and past papers can help you tremendously. Moreover, while solving GPSC AE previous year’s papers, you can check your revision progress.
Benefits of Solving Previous Year’s Papers
They Help You Understand the Language and Structure
Your study materials will clear the GPSC AE syllabus that you need to follow, but previous years’ papers will familiarize you with the structure and language the GPSC AE exam uses. When you prepare using previous years’ papers, you know everything laid out in the main exam, meaning you will feel less stressed out. BYJU’S Exam Prep, as an example, provides you with GPSC AE previous year’s papers that can help you prepare better.
Also, don’t stick to only a couple of years of GPSC AE papers; instead, prepare from many. If you ask a candidate who has cleared the GPSC AE exam, they will tell you how valuable the previous years’ papers can be. An exam can create a panic situation when you are not familiar with the structure. Pick study materials, but make sure to prepare using previous years’ papers as well.
They Help You Work on Your Time Management
Although you will find many mock test papers, do use previous years’ papers to check whether you can complete them within the allotted time frame or not. Just like all the other government exams, the GPSC AE exam also has a set time limit. Meaning, you will have to finish your paper within that time frame only. By using previous years’ papers, you will learn about your time management skills. If you are slow, you can practice more and work on it. In addition, you will find out how much you should give to each question. If you want someone’s help, why not let your parents or siblings be the invigilator?
Helps You Understand the Allocation of Marks
Another benefit you get from previous years’ papers is understanding the marks allocation or the marking system. While solving the questions, you will figure out exactly how much each question weighs. This will help you prepare and study accordingly. Moreover, finding out the marks system will also help you save valuable time. For example, there are two sections in the GPSC AE exam. One is General Studies, consisting of 100 marks, and the second, Respective Subject consisting of 200 marks. By looking at the previous years’ papers, you will be able to distribute your time in preparing better.
Helps You Practice More and Analyze Your Preparation
The more previous years’ papers you use, the better your practice becomes. So, do work on it. Previous years’ papers are part of revision notes. These papers let you test yourself. Also, once you are done with the previous years’ paper, you can sit and analyze yourself and your preparation. While doing that, you will start learning about the different topics that need more practice and about those that you are proficient at. Likewise, you can module your preparation schedule.
Ensure that you use trusted books and study materials and make previous years’ papers a part of your study routine. Previous years’ papers have been in use since time immemorial, and there is a reason why students prefer to use them. Focus on the GPSC AE syllabus, study materials, previous years’ exam paper, and remember the written exam weighs 300 marks. Also, do try out BYJU’S Exam Prep to study the right way.