Bought a brand-new car? Then you must purchase the best car insurance online for it to be covered for unforeseen times. Whether you own a super security-enabled vehicle or you are an ideal driver, accidents and theft still happen unexpectedly. Even if it may not be your mistake but the opposite party’s fault, still you need to deal with the damage. You may find it unfair, but you need to have a plan to manage the losses.
Car insurance from NSW is one splendid solution to shield yourself from the miseries that come along with unanticipated. But it would be best if you exercise caution before signing up for a policy. We list out the most common things you must consider before selecting car insurance online.
1. Get familiar with the terminology!
We list out the most common terms you would bump into while dealing with an insurance plan.
Agreed value: It is a mutually agreed-upon value by you and the insurer. This number depicts the amount for which your car is covered for a particular policy length. However, some insurers may not give you this option – they may only provide you cover for your car’s market value.
Claim: The act of applying for compensation with the insurer to repair damage incurred in a covered accidental event.
Comprehensive coverage: This covers damage costs for your car, the victim’s car and any third party’s property post-accident. It also covers damage caused by weather events and loss in the event of theft. You may need to pay an excess, but the advantage is your vehicle is still covered for the repair expenditure, whether it’s your fault or the opposite driver’s fault.
CTP: It is a mandatory policy that every vehicle owner needs to purchase to cover the compensation costs for landing people with injuries/fatalities in the event of an accident.
Premium value: The amount you pay on a fortnightly/monthly/annual basis to sustain your car insurance policy.
Excess payment: You must pay this amount when filing a claim and you may or may not have it reimbursed, depending on claim circumstances. It is usually a pre-agreed value that needs to be paid for processing your claim request.
Risks: They are the factors that determine how likely you are to file a claim, which your car insurance NSW will need to pay. Risk factor calculations vary across different insurance companies – hence the difference in premiums that will be quoted for the same individual.
Write-off: If you own a comprehensive insurance plan and the damage repairs of your vehicle become too expensive for the insurance company, then your insurer pays out either an agreed-upon value or market value amount to assist you with a similar car.
2. Carefully read the product disclosure statement!
We suggest you spend some quality time reading this document, so you are informed of what conditions a policy covers and what it doesn’t. It would be best if you read this document closely, as they differ across companies. Then, if you still harbour doubts, ring the insurer to seek clarification.
Exploit pay as you drive option!
If you are sure about the number of kilometres you would drive in the following year, inform your insurer about this to potentially lower your premium. However, if this is one of your insurer’s deciding factors with your premium, you may face reduced coverage if you cannot comply with your word and exceed the drive limit.
3. Choosing between comprehensive and third-party cover!
Most insurers offer you three levels of coverage –
Comprehensive: This is the most popular type of insurance policy because it includes a wide range of coverage. If you are a wanderlust, you may opt for it. This plan covers the cost of repairing damage to your vehicle and third-party vehicles/property. It also covers repairs or replacement of your vehicle in cases of extreme weather events, theft and fire.
Third-party property: This covers the costs involved in repairing damage to other people’s property and vehicles but it doesn’t cover your vehicle damage costs.
Third-party fire and theft: With this insurance type, cover the costs involved in repairing damage to other vehicles when you are at fault. Also, you can claim for the costs involved in repairing your car in the event of fire or theft.
Despite all the preventive measures taken, sometimes accidents happen. Having car insurance would be your best refuge for protecting your bank account. Find affordable car insurance online that suits your needs to deal with on-road and off-road uncertainties.