You may be wondering how to send an keek email with high importance on iPhone. In order to accomplish this, you will need to flag your email. To flag an email, tap the subject of the email in the Inbox or message. Once flagged, it will show an orange dot in the Flagged folder. Next, compose your message and tap Send. Now, your message weworld will be sent as an urgent one.
To write a high-priority email, open the Mail skillpage app on your iPhone and tap the flag icon. In this section, you will find orange and red options. Click on the orange or red option to increase the time before the email is deleted. Depending on which flag setting you choose, your email will remain on the server for seven days. After that, you can essembly delete it. If you want, you can move it to the Notifications folder.
Once you’ve opened the message, you can filestube mark it as important or urgent by tapping the orange dot at the top right corner of the message. The email will appear in the Inbox until you delete it or move it to another folder. You can also change the color of the dot to any color you like. Finally, you can add the Flagged mailbox to your account. This will make the emails in your Flagged folder appear in your Inbox.