The concept of “play pedagogical technologies” includes an extensive group of methods and techniques for organizing the pedagogical process in the form of various pedagogical games.
Play is a type of activity in situations aimed at recreating and assimilating social experience, in which self-management of behavior is formed and improved.
The structure of the game organically includes goal-setting, planning, goal implementation, as well as the analysis of the results in which the person fully realizes himself as a subject. Motivation of play activity is provided by its voluntariness, choice opportunities and elements of competition, satisfaction of the need for self-affirmation, self-realization.
Condition of Specialists
conditions of professional activity of specialists;
- links between theory and practice;
- joint activities;
- personality activity;
- problematic;
- the unity of training and education.
Such types of educational and professional activities as business, professional simulation, educational role-playing, didactic games, training games contribute to the formation of theoretical and practical professional and creative thinking and skills of professionally adequate and appropriate behavior of future specialists.
Properties of Business Technological Games
The didactic properties of business games reflect the dynamism of the environment, the repetition of steps, the complexity of combining possible alternatives of action, and the compression of the time scale when making decisions. Business games are distinguished from other forms of gaming activities by important features:
- The presence of an important socio-psychological, production and other problem, a common goal for the entire playing team and at the same time the presence of an opportunity for each participant in the game to influence the achievement of the final result by their actions, working in a certain position.
- The difference in the interests of the participants, the unequal objective responsibility of the participants in the game for solving the problem.
- The presence of information uncertainty, various kinds of failures, deviations, complications, malfunctions in the situation, as in real life.
- Adoption and implementation in the course of the game of a certain sequence of decisions, each of which depends on the decision made by this participant at the previous stage (step), and on the actions of other participants.
The presence and necessity of a developed incentive system that implements the functions of motivation, subordination, ensuring an objective assessment of the personal contribution of each participant in the game to the achievement of the collective goal of the team.
Game Capabilities
Business games have broad didactic capabilities:
- they ensure the consolidation and complex application of knowledge gained in the study of different disciplines (the integration role of games);
- contribute to the formation of a clear idea of professional activity in the chosen specialty.
- Professional simulation games are a modification of business games. They are intended for the development of creative thinking, the formation of practical skills and abilities, the development of an individual style of communication and behavior in collective problem solving. In a sense, they reflect the rehearsal of elements of the professional activity of a graduate of an educational institution.
It is very difficult to determine the exact sequence of constructing a game technology especially slot thai, since in some cases the organizer of the game has the opportunity to use real documentation and computer equipment, while in others he is forced to rely only on the understanding of its need for the participants. In addition, in the game it is impossible to predict in detail the actions of the participants, it is impossible to simulate all situations that may arise as the game develops. And yet, the game must be developed and formally described for later use.